HYDROFORUM 2022 was held on October 26-28 in the city of Warsaw (Poland). The event has been organized by the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery on the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP-PAN) and has included the XI Polish Hydropower Conference and the LIFE NEXUS Symposium. This year, around 80 participants related to the hydropower sector, mainly from Poland, have attended this event.
LIFE NEXUS Symposium has been divided in three sessions focused on mini-hydro generation and has included four presentations of the project by CARTIF, IMP PAN and the University of Lithuania Vytautas Magnus Academy of Agriculture (ASU). Raquel López, LIFE NEXUS Project coordinator, presented the main advances related to the inventory of potential and existing locations for mini-hydroelectric generation in Europe and on the pilot plant based on pumps as a turbines (PaT) that is being built in the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of the Porma river in Leon (Spain). On the other hand, Prof. Janusz Steller form IMP-PAN spoke about energy recovery technologies in hydraulic installations. Attention focused on the selection of PaT, especially when the characteristics in the movement of the turbine are not available. Finally, Prof. Petras Punys from ASU, presented the assessment of hydropower potential in wastewater systems that has been carried out in 8 locations located in cities of Lithuania, which are folloers of LIFE NEXUS Project.