Fifth coordination meeting

Fifth coordination meeting

The fifth Coordination Meeting of LIFE NEXUS was held on 12th May, 2022. The meeting was telematics and was attended by the entire consortium together with the external monitor, Ms. María Rodríguez López, from EEIG NEEMO-IDOM. The main advances carried out during the...
Fourth Coordination Meeting

Fourth Coordination Meeting

The fourth Coordiantion Meeting of LIFE NEXUS was held on 22th April, 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting was telematics and was attended by the entire consortium together with the external monitor, Mrs. Cristina Vicente Álvarez, from IDOM-NEEMO. The main...
Third coordination meeting

Third coordination meeting

On May 14, 2020, the third coordination meeting of the LIFE NEXUS Project took place. Due to the situation arising from Covid-19, the meeting was telematic and had the participation of CARTIF and the external monitor of the Project, Ms. Cristina Vicente Álvarez, from...